Parenting with the four temperaments with emotional intelligence E-Book

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As humans, we often ask “Who am I?”. This question can elicit many

responses, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and confused. This question

is often followed by “How do I love myself?”. A simple Google search of

this question will give you over 500 000 results!

Before I discovered and started using the Four Colour Temperament

Model, these questions overwhelmed me. Over years I realised that the

more you know about your unique strengths and weaknesses, the easier

it becomes to love who you are.

The Four Colour Temperament Model helps parents discover their natural

parenting style. It also helps them teach their children the value of their

uniqueness, the beauty of their strengths and the importance of their


This approach to personality types shows parents who they are and

who their children need them to be. When approached with emotional

intelligence, the Four Colour Temperament Model can help parents and

children be the best version of themselves.

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