Four-Colour Temperament Model©

It’s not so much the ingenuity of our human temperament model, than it’s simplicity that makes it so ultra-powerful.

Lynette’s human behavioural model that forms the basis of all our workshops at Seeds of Inspiration, namely the Four-Colour Temperament Model©, is not a completely new invention. It is rather an adaptation of one of the oldest personality systems in the world, also referred to as the Four Temperament Theory which suggests that all people can be categorised in four innate personality types. 

One of the ancient Greek physicians who is considered to be one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine, namely Hippocrates, referred to these four temperaments as: Sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic. The general consensus is that these four basic temperaments play a fundamental role in all humans’ behaviour and personality traits and that every person will have a primary and secondary type, with some elements of the remaining types.

What sets Lynette Beer’s Four-Colour Temperament Model apart though, is that the four basic personalities are captured in a way that is super easy to remember, that is, through four colours: Yellow, red, blue and green. Most importantly, she presents the elemental traits of each personality type or colour in such a manner, that anyone can understand it and learn to leverage it to understand themselves and others better, improve their communication with one another and develop meaningful relationships, both personally and professionally.

The Four-Colour Temperament Model at a glance

Yellow AKA 

‘Yappy Yellows'

Extroverts and optimists who love people, and have an outstanding ability to uplift and inspire others.

Red AKA 
‘Raving Reds’

Drivers, strong personalities and natural leaders, with an innate ability to think of on their feet and get things done. 

Green AKA 
‘Groovy Greens’

Introverts and peacekeepers with gentle and pleasant personalities and an ability to make others feel at ease and remain calm in crisis.

Blue AKA 

‘Brilliant Blues’

Introverts and deep thinkers with an unrivalled analytical capability and a strong tendency towards perfectionism.

Online Temperament & Personality Test


 Lynette's online personality assessments, books, and courses will guide you to know yourself, understand others, restore meaningful relationships and lead a fulfilling life.

Assess yourself through the online assessment. • Know yourself and understand others. • Have meaningful and fulfilling relationships.

  • Is it not limiting to ‘box’ people in four colours?

    The Four-Colour Temperament Model© does not box people, but simply acknowledges what has been proven over millennials: That every person is born with certain innate traits that can be broadly classified in four groups. Typically, each individual will have a primary colour that represents the majority of his or her traits and a secondary colour that will determine the remainder of his or her traits. 

    Every person however also has some elements of all four groups. In practise, this means that everyone are their own unique blend of all four colours, but understanding their primary and secondary colours, will provide you with an overview of the main drivers of a person. Why not test this for yourself and conduct our online assessment now!

  • What are the differences between traits, character and personality?

    A trait is a characteristic that is genetically determined, in other words, a quality that you are born with. Your character is basically your internal compass that is guided by your thinking and belief systems that you have developed over the years. Your personality can be described as the mask you wear when you engage with your world and it is often influenced by external factors such as community and culture. 

    Simply put, you’re born with certain innate traits, but your character is moulded by the life you have lived, and your personality is influenced by other people. The Seeds of Inspiration Four-Colour Temperament Model© teaches you the traits that you are born with, so you can become the best version of yourself and learn to always remain authentic to your true self, regardless of what happens around you.

Courses Based on the Four-Colour Temperament Model©

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